Subuno With CreditCardXpress

Users of CreditCardXpress (CCX) can now leverage Subuno’s rules engine as well as manual review dashboard to automate order screening and speed up manual review without any additional technical integration.

There are two modes to use CCX and Subuno: CCX Payment Gateway Mode Stand-Alone Mode and. In both modes, the merchants application uses either iSeries data queues or web services to send order information to CCX. Within CCX, merchants can set an order amount threshold that when triggered would send the transaction to Subuno for analysis. Subuno then returns a response of “accept”, “reject”, “manual review” based on the rules/filters that the merchant setup in their Subuno account.

CCX Payment Gateway Mode

In this mode, Subuno, CCX, and the CCX Payment Gateway are all seamlessly integrated. Based on the returned response, the transaction is automatically forwarded to the processor for processing and settlement.

CCX Stand-Alone Mode

In this mode, merchants can use their own payment gateway with CCX. Once the response is returned, merchants would still need to integrate it with their existing processing workflow.


  1. A Subuno Account. (Sign up here)
  2. A licensed copy of CreditCardXpress.
  3. An Elavon Merchant Account if using the CCX PaymentGateway Mode

For more detailed documentation on Subuno and CCX, please visit