30-Day Money Back Guarantee


$ 19 /month
800 Orders /month


$ 49 /month
2,500 Orders /month


$ 99 /month
7,500 Orders /month


$ 249 /month
25,000 Orders /month

Sign up now and receive $50 worth of 3rd party service credits. For demos and custom plans, please contact sales@subuno.com.

Do I have to sign up with each of the integrated fraud prevention providers in order to use them with Subuno?

No, you do not need a separate account with each provider. All 3rd party services come activated and accessible via your Subuno account. The usage cost will be added to your monthly bill.

How does the 30-day money back guarantee work?

If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of signing up, you will not be charged the subscription fee. However, you will be responsible for queries made against non-free 3rd party services (3PS). Free 3PS queries are given to each new account so you can try them out risk free.

How are 3rd party fraud prevention services charged?

Your monthly bill will consist of your Subuno subscription and the cost of calls made to 3rd party fraud prevention services. For example, if you are on the Bronze plan and used 200 queries of the MaxMind minFraud service ($0.005/call), then your bill at the end of the month would be $19 + (200*$0.005) = $20.

Do I have to sign a long term contract? Can I change my plan?

Subuno is a pay-as-you-go service. There are no long term contracts or commitments. You pay month to month and can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time. If you cancel mid-month, your Subuno subscription fee will be pro-rated.