Credit Card Fraud Detection Module for Zen Cart stores

The Subuno order screening and fraud prevention add-on helps merchants using Zen Cart reduce fraud and speed up order review. Orders are automatically checked against template filters or 50+ customizable checks that you can easily create without writing any code. Then leverage 15+ order validation tools to review the orders that have been flagged as suspect. Merchants using Subuno have been able to detect more fraud, reduce the number of orders needing review, and dramatically speed up the order review process. Many merchants have been able to increase their revenue by validating and capturing orders that initially appear suspect.

Review Fewer Orders

Get notified either through email alerts or Zen Cart admin panel when there is a suspect order. Setup your Subuno filters to automatically check for things that you would normally do manually. For example, flag orders with high dollar amounts, overnight shipping methods, repeat bad customer, high risk shipping countries, etc. You can even screen orders using popular fraud prevention services, like MaxMind and Telesign, that have been integrated into the Subuno platform.

Review Orders Much Faster

Your orders within Zen Cart are automatically linked to Subuno for quick access. No need to copy and paste order information across different systems or websites to verify the order. Subuno gives you single-click access to some of your favorite order fraud prevention or order validation tools, as well as some you may not have used before. All the relevant information and tools are combined and presented on Subuno Review Dashboard to allow you to quickly evaluate suspect transactions.

Subuno also automatically checks against your past orders and inform you of the frequency (e.g. the number in parenthesis next to the customer's email address). This helps you quickly identify repeat customers or malicious fraudsters.

Download Subuno's Zen Cart Module Now!

You can download the latest version of Subuno Zen Cart Module from Zen Cart Plugin/Add-on listings. The module requires a Subuno account. Sign up now!